Sunday, November 10, 2013

When One Door Closes

We are all very familiar with the famous Alexander Graham Bell quote
When one door closes, another opens,”
But, we all also seem to forget the rest of the passage,
“But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”

When we finally begin to open our eyes, our hearts, and our minds to the realization that one door has closed, one journey has ended, and look for the new path in which our lives will thus move forward through, that is what we, my friends, call reaching The Beginning of the End. 
The beginning of the end doesn’t need to be sad, although at many times, places, moments, the journeys end of a person’s life, or of a journeys end of a persons relationship with another could bring us


Many of these endings, are only leading us to a far greater journey that life has left for us to live and experience. The memories of journeys that have ended may hurt, the memories may fade, or that memories might push us to further improve ourselves, but it is all about how we react to the closing of one door, and how open we are when we unfasten another.

The beginning of the end is beautiful. “Take it all in. You are blessed to be here. 100% blessed.”The Beginning of the End

The beginning of the end allows for us to let the past go and permit fate to put the rest of your life’s pieces together, so that in the actual end we experience all of life’s happiness, because that’s all we want in the end.
